Growing Self-Confidence

I decided to go back to graduate school to please my father. There were other motives, but that was the biggest. I think all of us go to college for a variety of reasons, without really thinking about what’s on the other side of our decision: Hard work and the use of skills and practices often forgotten. Another key ingredient for college is self-confidence.

Getting Rid of Negative, Rent Free Voices in Our Heads!

In my case, I landed back into college in a course called the American Romance novel; I thought I had landed on Mars! My fellow students used words and ideas that didn’t sound like they were said in English. I was completely lost, lost in the coursework and my self-confidence. I compared myself to my classmates and concluded that I was incapable of college work.

A lack of self-confidence often starts when we judge ourselves in relation to others or completely believe what others say about us. Therefore, we give up on ourselves before starting anything. I conquered comparing myself to my classmates at the beginning of my college journey. However, when a literature professor told me that my poetry writing “might have been ok if I was an undergraduate,” I let that professor live rent-free in my head for ten years, allowing him to stop my poetry writing

Criticism from instructors is important and needs to be heard and applied. However, as noted in my video story, I took the criticism in an extreme way that lessened my confidence. Luckily, I became a teacher, and after I saw my students’ confidence grow as I cheered them on with “you can do this; you just don’t understand yet; you will get there,” I heard and followed my own advice!

Taking inventory of what we do and do not do well as students is also part of college confidence and success. Improving our growth mindsets towards readings, discussions, and assignments, as well as finding strategies to do them well is our job.  College work requires patience, rethinking, doing, redoing, and getting help when necessary. We must remain self-confident that our work will be easier to do and of a better quality over time.

College is not for the faint of heart! Success in college and life requires constant reassessment of our self-confidence and a willingness to work hard. Fortunately, self-confidence transfers to work and family life. Therefore, to learn how to stop judging ourselves against others, carefully accept and reject criticism, and take ample time and help to do our work well is to build self-confidence that enhances every part of our lives.

Writer's Block? JUST DO IT!

Teaching Sofie how to conquer writer's block. JUST DO IT!

Combining 2 Sentences Together

Sofie learns an easy way to remember how to combine two sentences together using the "law of 2s".

Read Your Paper OUT LOUD

This video is about teaching Sofie to read her paper out loud, word-by-word, to herself, in order to find mistakes.

Teaching Sofie: Writing an Introduction

Sofie learns how to write an introduction for an essay with something interesting for readers and a thesis statement (topic, claim, and reasons) that ends the introductory paragraph.

Teaching Sofie: Writing a Conclusion

This video teaches Sofie how to write a conclusion to an essay by reversing the two pieces of an introduction--thesis and something interesting for the reader. The conclusion rephrases the thesis and then wraps up the essay with something interesting but not new.

Teaching Sofie: How to Follow Directions

Learn how to use directions and evaluation/grading scales to do well on assignments and projects.